
Tropical Center Discus

Our stock is based on the varieties of Discus most requested by the general public and are a guarantee of quality for your shop, as they eat granulated food and are free of any disease.
  In Tropical Center we normally keep over 500 Discus in stock of the 9 most popular varieties among the general public, which can be seen in the photos at the bottom of this page. Discus normally arrive from breeders with parasites such as Hexamita, Protopalina (protozoa that live in the intestines) and worms such as Capillaria, which is why we subject them to strict quarantine during which time we supply them with food medicated with Levamisole and Metronidazole that completely eradicate worms and protozoa and we also eliminate any bacterial disease caused by the stress of travelling. You can therefore rest assured that all of the Discus we sell are fully deparasited and in perfect conditions.
All of our fish go through a strict quarantine  
Unlike wild Discus, our Discus adapt well to most waters and can be kept problem-free in waters with a pH of 7.5 and a hardness of 15º. All of our Discus eagerly eat our “Tropifish” granulated food, which we recommend as a basic food. As a supplement we also suggest giving them the frozen meal for Neon Discus, making sure you defrost it correctly beforehand and drain off any excess water so as not to contaminate the aquarium.

Keeping Discus in an aquarium is not 
difficult if you follow t he rules below:

1. The water temperature must range
    between 28 and 29 degrees. 

2. 20% of the aquarium water
    must be changed every week. 

3. At least six Discus of the same 
    size should be kept together; 
    otherwise any dominant individuals
    will focus their aggression on the rest 
    and will cause too much stress. With six
    fish this aggression fades. 
4. Do not mix Discus of different sizes.
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